Movie Rental Service
Unlimited viewing for 48 hours starting from $32
Movie Rental Service
Unlimited viewing for 48 hours starting from $32
Enjoy the latest Hollywood blockbusters and Asian movies anytime and anywhere
Over 1,000 trending titles
Pay-per-view as low as $32
Unlimited viewing within 48 hours upon rental
Movie Rental Voucher redemption flow
Movie Rental Voucher redemption flow
Now E Movie Rental Voucher Terms and Conditions
To enjoy this Now E Movie Rental service, please download the Now E mobile application (“App”) onto your mobile phone or tablet; or visit our Now E website at (“Website”); or log into Now E Android TV box to register for a Now E account and enter the Promotion Code. Supported devices include smart phones and tablets (iOS version 12 or above (excluding macOS Big Sur), Android version 8 or above, Google Mobile Services (GMS) or Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) (applicable to designated devices)), personal computers (recommended web browser: Chrome, Safari and Edge in Chromium version), designated smart TV with Android TV operating system installed or Android TV box (Android version 8.0 or above) and Now E Android TV Box. Requirements relating to supported devices are subject to change from time to time. Please refer to for the latest requirements.
Rental period of movies on Now E rental service will expire in 30 days after using the Promotion Code or 48 hours after customer first starts watching or downloading the program whichever comes earlier. Customer can enjoy unlimited viewing of the rented program within the rental period.
The Movie Rental Voucher is only applicable for movies on Now E Movie Rental service with the rental price of HK$32 each. Each Promotion Code and Movie Rental Voucher can be used once only.
By activating the Promotion Code and using the Movie Rental Voucher, you are deemed to have read and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, the “Now E Terms and Conditions”, the “Now E Android TV Box Terms of Use” and the “Now E Things to Know” (available for viewing at, and
Please note that all programming on Now E can only be viewed in Hong Kong for your private domestic viewing only and must not be shown or exhibited for any public or commercial purposes.
The Promotion Code or the Movie Rental Voucher cannot be exchanged for cash, returned or resold, and will not be replaced if damaged.
The Movie Rental Voucher, Promotion Code, Now E, the App and the Website are provided by PCCW Media. In the event of any disputes arising from or relating to the Movie Rental Voucher, Promotion Code, Now E, the App and the website, PCCW Media's decision is final. In the event of any disputes arising from or relating to this offer, PCCW Media decision is final.
For use of the Movie Rental Voucher and related enquiries, please email