Forwarding Service
Unconditional call forwarding:
(1)Forward all calls to another number
**21* [phone no.]#
(2)Forward all calls to voicemail
**21*19 [your mobile no.]#
Conditional call forwarding:
(3)Forward if busy
**67* [phone no.]#
(4)Forward if not answered
**61* [phone no.]#
(5)Forward if out of reach
**62* [phone no.]#
Multiple call forwarding:
All forwarding(1,2,3,4,5)
**002* [phone no.]#
All conditional forwarding(3,4,5)
**004* [phone no.]#
Remote call forwarding^
In Hong Kong
9267 1233 (Chinese) 9267 1231(Eng)
While abroad
+852 9267 1233